Code Reactors Trainer

Build your own Magic Deck and set off on a quest in this magical battle-packed 2D-action RPG. Category: Action Games, Waku Waku Games / わくわくゲームズ Franchise...

Primal Hearts Trainer

After moving into a new town hoping for a new life, Kazuma finds himself the swing vote between two deadlocked factions representing tradition and innovation. Nicknamed...

COLD VR Trainer

Time is your greatest weapon! Move to slow it down, stop, and risk everything. Category: Indie Games 16 Options · COLD VR Trainer · Game Version:...

SteamDolls – Order Of Chaos Trainer

Enter the world of Steamdolls in this narrative-driven stealth-meets-action adventure. Step into the blood-drenched shoes of The Whisper, played by David Hayter, and entrench yourself in...

Astronomics Trainer

Top-down action and space exploration meet asteroid mining automation! Navigate to randomly generated asteroids passing by and start mining. Impress your employer, upgrade your equipment, fight...